可以的。你只需联系Lunarpages的客服[email protected]说明你要更改主域名(primary domain name),这个更改主域名的服务是免费的。
1、新主域名。如果你是使用自己注册申请的域名,指明是 own registered domain。如果你在购买Lunarpages主机空间时还没有使用Lunarpages提供的 “Free Domain for Life”域名 (.com,.net, .name, .ca, .co.uk, .us, .biz, .info, .org),这时候就可以提出要申请一个 “Free Domain for Life”域名。
3、此外也说明要如何处置你的旧主域名,是否要把旧主域名Parked到Lunarpages主机帐户,或把它转换去 Addon Domain。
We can change your primary domain name. Please provide the new domain name.
Is the domain registered? If it isn’t, we can register a new .com,.net, .name, .ca, .co.uk, .us, .biz, .info, or .org domain for you forjust $9.95 per year per domain. If you have not used your Free Domainfor Life offer, there would be no charge. Note that the Free for LifeDomain offer applies to annual plans only.
Next, for security purposes to confirm you are the account holder,please provide your username and the last 4 digits of your credit cardon file with us.
We would also need to know the following before we can proceed with the switch:
Current primary domain – Do you wish us to remove it entirely, park iton the account for you, or have it as an addon on the account (if youwant it to be an addon, we will provide instructions after we switchthe domain for you)?
New primary domain – Is it currently parked on the account or an addonon the account? Has it ever been parked or an addon domain on theaccount? If it’s parked or an addon domain, please remove this from theParked Domains or Addon Domains area of cPanel.
Do you have an SSL certificate on your account, and do you wish the newprimary domain to have the certificate associated with it?
Do you have JSP or ASP activated on the account, and which domain do you want to have associated with the JSP or ASP?
Do you have WebBuilder enabled on the account?
If so, please note that any work you have done in your current webbuilder account will be permanently lost. Please also note, that we nolonger offer the paid Webbuilder option, and would not be able tore-enable it on the new primary domain, and we can arrange to have thiscancelled for you on the account. We do provide a new webbuilder optioncalled Pagemason through ypur CAP panel that is free, easy to manage,and install. If you would like more information about this newwebbuilder option let us know.
Do you have any custom MX records on the account? For which domain and what are they currently set to?
Once we have this information, we would be happy to perform this request for you.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Kathy Webb
Customer Service Representative
Support Forums – http://www.lunarforums.com
Phone: 1-714-521-8150
Phone: 1-714-521-8150 (International)
24 hour Network Status Line: 1-562-697-8106
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